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Ecological Land Gift Program

Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program provides a way for Canadians with ecologically sensitive land to protect nature and leave a legacy for future generations. Made possible by the terms of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Quebec Taxation Act, it offers significant tax benefits to landowners who donate land or a partial interest in land to a qualified recipient. Recipients ensure that the land’s biodiversity and environmental heritage are conserved in perpetuity.

The Ecological Gifts Program is administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada in cooperation with dozens of partners, including other federal departments, provincial and municipal governments, and environmental non-government organizations. Thanks to this team approach and a dedication to continuously evolving and improving, the Program has become more successful each year.

Between the inception of the program in 1995 and March 31, 2021, 1610 ecological gifts valued at over $977 million have been donated across Canada, protecting over 211,000 hectares of wildlife habitat. Many of these ecological gifts contain areas designated as being of national or provincial significance, and many are home to some of Canada's species at risk.

Ecological gift donations and the motivations behind them are as varied as the Canadian landscape. They range from corporations in British Columbia donating covenants on forested land in the Gulf Islands to Atlantic communities pulling together to preserve treasured coastal habitat. What all donors share, however, is the comfort of knowing that their cherished piece of nature will be cared for in the future.

An increasing number of conservation-minded Canadian landowners take part in the Ecological Gifts Program each year. Each donation, no matter how small, makes a substantial contribution to the creation of a network of protected areas that reaches across virtually every habitat and region in Canada.

Dads Club Canada would be interested in discussing the preservation and operation of a protected wilderness centre in the Bute Inlet.

Below is a property perfect for the legacy and conservation while enabling fathers to spend time learning with there children.

Bute Inlet Land Conservation

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