Who knew we could buy carbon credits,
And donate to charity at the same time ?
Your donation of cryptocurrency can make a massive difference for Dads Club Canada Foundation. Working with our partner CarbonX, we ensure your donation is carbon neutral by purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions. Plus, you can benefit by receiving a tax receipt for the fair market value of your cryptocurrency.
Personal and Corporate Credits Right Here !
The Zerofootprint® program calculates the carbon impact of products and services, then balances that impact with carbon offsets to certify that customers are making sustainable choices.
Audible tracking of provenance builds trust through transparency
CarbonX Hub uses blockchain-based transactions designed for Emissions Trading Systems.
Curated carbon assets from Canadian and World markets are selected for their inherent value and performance.
Your donation of cryptocurrency can make a massive difference for Dads Club Canada Foundation. Working with our partner CarbonX, we ensure your donation is carbon neutral by purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions. Plus, you can benefit by receiving a tax receipt for the fair market value of your cryptocurrency.
CarbonXHub is a private blockchain ledger capturing IoT GHG data for reporting, management and conversion to a carbon commodity. With Emission Trading Systems or Carbon Tax programs rolling out world-wide, blockchain will be key in achieving compliance goals and opportunities for carbon asset trading.